21-26 July 2015
Southwestern Ontario’s Largest & Longest running Earth-Based Organic Festival!!!
(Located just south-west of London Ontario)
What an empowering week we have in store for YOU!!! We encourage you to venture forward….to indulge in the gifts that nature has to offer in this 6 day camping experience, and to be surrounded by drummers, percussionists, dancers, and magick makers, of all ages. Imagine laying in the middle of the forest, where stags roam free, a roaring revel fire as your only light, the beating of the primal drums, and swaying silhouettes of dancing bodies encircling the fire. The smell of the dew, and the magickal essence of fireflies as we submerse ourselves in everything that is mother earth.
Beneath this same canopy of magick we will witness the songs of inspiration, passion, excitement, and awakening of spirit. We have been referred to by many as Ontario’s own “WitchStock”. Priding ourselves on bringing you a wide selection of concerts by North America’s most talented pagan musicians. Share a meal with new friends during our Enchanted Forest Feast & Bardic. Let the mundane drift away during our Pagan Karaoke. Partake in a variety of Rituals, join a workshop, channel your own talent by entering our Bardic circle or afternoon Jam sessions. The Mojo doesn’t stop there, you will find our Kitchen Witches stirring up some magick to bring you the exceptional GOURMET Meal Plan to fuel your body, as you fuel you mind and spirit!
Spirits of the Earth is celebrating our 13th anniversary this year, and welcome all to come and join those of like mind, as we celebrate life, the earth, and each other. Creating new Friendships, building our Community, and fueling our Dreams, Passions, and Desires. In 2007, the Spirits of the Earth family introduced our concept of bringing ritual to the revel. This was greeted with enthusiasm, and liberation as everyone encircled the fire awe-inspired. We feel that instead of the festival hosting a ritual or two, that we would transform the entire festival into a ritual all its own.
This year we would like to continue our journey with the ELEMENTAL TRIBES! We would like to raise the bar a little higher, and open the doors wide for every single member of our community to become an active participant, utilizing their own unique talents. This has lead us to designate every single attendee to an Elemental Tribe for the week. You will have an opportunity to connect to that particular element deep within yourself, and connect with other members of our community. This will build a strong foundation. Inspiring each other as you fuel the light within yourself.
The excitement and energies are building, the creative juices are flowing, and the inspiration is lifting the ROOF! I simply cannot wait to fill you all in on the incredible changes coming this year, and to warmly embrace our kindred this July. Stay tuned for other opportunities to prepare for a week long ritual that is SPIRITSFEST, warm up those drumming hands and hips, and build comaraderie.
See you there! Brightest Blessings!
PRE-REGISTRATIONÂ PRICE IN EFFECT UNTIL JUN 13TH! Register early online and save!
Gates open at 12pm on Tuesday July 21st.
Check our website for details, payments and other info:
Web: http://
Email: info@spiritsfest.com | Phone: 226-271-3900
Please SHARE to help enhance the lives of those around us, and watch the SOTEF family grow!!!