SOTEF Update: We are Family!

OLA!!! We’ve got an update folks… This past weekend, the Rockin’ full-time volunteers of SOTEF, went on a walkthrough of the new park and grounds. We were very happy with everything, and have refueled the creative fires of inspiration within us. We are like Mexican jumping beans, with the excitement of this coming year. The new park addresses previous accessibility concerns. We now have new features inclusive of wheelchair accessibility, and smoother terrain which should be a breeze for most folks, with the option of rustic camping for those looking for a more ‘backwoods’ feel. We also have the opportunity for those looking for adventure, with the incredible obstacle course, and workshop to learn Rock-climbing and Rappelling.

You guys are so important to us, and we are truly blessed to be able to work with such a diverse group that feeds our heart and soul. You guys ARE our spirit family, and we love you for all your awesomeness. SOTEF isn’t just Fox and I…it sparks from us, is fueled by all of our incredible volunteers, and manifested by all of you into a collective experience and energy all its own.

We greatly value your input and would like to know what matters to you…so let’s get some feedback folks! What you would like to see? Will you share your knowledge/experience in the form of a workshop or ritual? Do you want to share you music with our community? How can you contribute? What workshop topics interest you? How can we, as organizers, make this a better experience for you? How can you leave your personal mark on SOTEF? Do you enjoy the Elemental Tributes? Are you interested in helping out with the Tributes/Unity Challenge (High-Noon Games)? Anything else on your mind?

Although SOTEF has manifested into something extraordinary over the past 13years….our goal was to re-live the ease, fun, and simplicity the old days brought to the table. I think with this new park we may have just succeeded in that.

If you would like to assist with building some new effigy’s, special projects for the park, or work any other ideas you may have sparked….we will be having our May 24 campout/Crafty Magick Part II on May 15-18, and would love spend time connecting and celebrating with you all.

Before I sign off I want you all to know, that you hold a special place in our hearts, and we couldn’t imagine Spirits of the Earth without you. For those newbies out there thinking of joining us for the first time…come ‘Home’ where you will be welcomed with open arms, embraced with acceptance, love, and manifestation.

I would also like to take this opportunity to send out a very special thank you to Jade and Kiera for helping me bestow blessings and leave offerings to the land spirits.

So…lets get talking, I want to hear from all of you, since you all have a voice in the Spirits of the Earth Festival!

Love & Laughter,

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