In this, the gap between the sun and snow, we draw within ourselves, sow the seeds, and lay the tracks of our path. Call on your Fylgja (fetch), it will help you on your dark, conservative journey. It will guide you and work with you. Focus on your internal growth and spiritual well-being during this time.
#runeblessing #weareSpiritsoftheEarth #norsewisdom #runes #heathen #futhark #Freyja #fylgja
Fox’s Rune-Cast: 08May17
Fox’s Rune-Cast: 04Apr17
Man in their mirth, are a gift to the folk, lest you be departed. Elk protecting the path that is lit and bright for the seeds in the dark.
Ever on its course it never fails, when hearth and home are on the mouths for the longing of Family and Kin.
#runeblessing #norsewisdom #runes #weareSpiritsoftheEarth #heathen #furhark
Fox’s Rune-Cast: 31Oct16
Wealth is a comfort to everyone, Need is narrow in the chest. The field is wrought with frost. The torch burns brightest where noble folk gather, for the darkness of night never rests. Hold tight your kith and Kin, for mother’s protection you are in.
#darkwinternights #Samhain #norsewisdom #kindred #paganism #halloween
Fox’s Rune-Cast: 12Oct16
#Uruz – Shows the growth of wisdom from within. The creative life force driving up from the #Mimir’s well and then down the branches of Yggdrassil.
#Kenaz – Crafting knowledge into action, a primal initiation inside the mound.
#Pertho – understanding the synchronization of the mysterious and the divine.
#Elhaz- rules the pathways from folk to the gods. Spirit in earthly form.
Looks like a great time to tap into the well of knowledge.. transformation and gaining of wisdom are prevalent this week. Reach your roots deep into the well and sup of the fount.
Hail wisdom seekers!
#norsewisdom #galdr #weareSpiritsoftheEarth
Fox’s Rune-Cast: 03Jul16
On this long holiday weekend, we wanted to take a second to show our national pride. So, why not include it in our cast #OhCanada #westandonguardforthee
#Berkano – gives us the ability of a Mother’s nurturing and compassion. But also blesses us with her bountifulness and fertility in creation
#Elhaz – is the powerful Elk which brings protection and strength of will from the Gods. Call it down it is there for you!
#Pertho – by drawing your lot, you take your chances. Roll the bones. What will your Wyrd be? What do the #Fates have in store?
#Eihwaz – keeper of the ‘fire’ that is the Sacred magic of the Yew tree.
#Raidho – the strong willed rider is controlled movement, take aim and go forward.
#Laguz – cleanses, shapes and offers guidance of liquid force.
With the divine feminine energy and the protection of the Ancients, do not fear trying your Luck this week. You are on a forward path armed with the sacred wisdom, the flexibility of shape, the will of a mounted cavalry. You are unstoppable, and in charge #dontlookback you’re not going that way!
#runeblessing #norsewisdom #spiritsfest #weareSpiritsoftheEarth #pagansofinstagram #londonontario #troth
Fox’s Rune-Cast: 26Jun16
This week, the Gods are driving.
#Othala – binds us to the laws and oaths of our Kin/clan
#Thurisaz – shows us great strength, fruitfulness, and good #orløg
#Ansuz – tells us to listen to the guidance of our #wights and the gods
#Tiwaz – shows us that our path has but one direction, the highest path should be taken
#Sowilo – gives us the #invincible power of will. Use the Sun’s #energy when you need it.
#Jera – focuses on the year. This year will be one of #bountiful harvest.
In all things #honour your #ancestors family and Clan! Raise them up and they will lift you up when you need them.
#runeblessing #norsewisdom #spiritsfest #weareSpiritsoftheEarth
Fox’s Rune-Cast: 05Jun16
Of runes they spoke, and the reading of #runes was little withheld from their lips: at the High One’s hall, in the High One’s hall,
I thus heard the High One say:
#Elhaz – protection
#Laguz – water
#Nauthiz – need fire
How do these speak to you? Do you need the #protection of the#healing water? Do you need a good #fire to warm your #spirit?
#weareSpiritsoftheEarth #londonontario #spiritsfest #tameikafox #pagansofinstagram #runeblessing #norse
Fox’s Rune-Cast: 03Apr16
Rune-Cast of the week:
#Mannaz – the rational mind
#Uruz – the powerful unconscious shaping of energy
#Raidho – controlled movement
#Thurisaz – Brute strength and durability
#Othala – binding words to Kin and Clan
Using your own power, reshape all that chaos in your day to day, to your benefit. Create a path for yourself, you have to use that chaotic force, it will lead you to the strong bonds of kith and Kin. Your oath must always be strong on this journey cause clan will always have your back.
#troth #londonontario #spiritsfest #pagansofinstagram #runeblessing #norse #runes
Fox’s Rune-Cast: 29Mar16
Bringing this to you a bit late this week, but hey we have 5 #runes this time.
#Mannaz – the rational mind
#Elhaz – protection and strength
#Isa – ice, slowing your energies
#Sowilo – the Power of the sun
#Nauthiz – the inner need-fire
As the sun begins to warm and melt the snow, this is the time to focus on your personal needs. Reflect on what drives you, what warms you? What are your thoughts? Tell me below!
#norsepaganism #londonontario#spiritsfest #pagansofinstagram#runeblessing #wearespiritsoftheearth
Fox’s Rune-Cast: 14Mar16
This week I pulled 2 cause well you asked for it!
#Laguz: the Sacred waters strong enough to cut a rock in half, but soothing enough to heal.
#Uruz: is the endless process of cleansing and reshaping your world.
Sounds like we all will be working with Water this week.
#pagansofinstagram #runeblessing #norse #wearespiritsoftheearth